do-it-yourself Events
“Do-it-yourself" has become a mantra for many people as they not only look for cost savings but also want to put their own stamp on their day and have more involvement in the process. Our DIY options let you pick the services you need; whether it include instruction and design, set-up and tear-down, or simply ordering floral product. We encourage you to consider the questions below while you decide if this is the right decision for you. Contact us for more information on the services we provide and how we can help you with your DIY event.

Do you know how to make all the designs you need and want or do you know someone who does?
Some people have a lot of experience arranging flowers while others do not. We firmly believe DIY can be done by everyone. It does take practice, however, and you should not expect to be able to have your first attempt also be the designs you are creating for your event.
Do you have enough time to pick up the flowers a few days before your event, as well as enough time to design and set up?
It is easy to underestimate the amount of time you'll need for everything from picking up supplies, processing flowers, designing, setting up, tear down, and all the possible hiccups that may occur during your event.
Do you have a workspace, tools, and the ability and means to transport the flowers to your venue?
You'll need a space that's cool (air conditioning is required, not just recommended) and with access to water. You'll need heavy-duty clippers and floral shears designed for floral work, as well as other key supplies like floral tape, wire, ribbons, and pins.
Do you feel comfortable working with flowers?
We do our best to select flowers for DIY clients that are fairly easy to work with. However, each variety has its own idiosyncrasies and characteristics and some require special handling or treatment.
Do you have people you trust to help set up and tear down all of the floral decorations on the day of the event?
Make sure you have reliable help. You don't need the extra stress if someone cancels on you or doesn’t take direction well.
Do you know exactly what flowers you need?
Quantities and floral recipes require are more than "use 20 stems in a bridal bouquet" because each flower has a different size and visual weight and each stem or branch of foliage can be used in different ways. Ordering bulk wholesale products takes knowledge of stem counts of each variety of flowers and foliage and you’ll need to order more than you think you need.
We can answer all of your questions
We can help you figure out how much time you need and whether you’ll need extra help.
We can also help nail down logistics as well as coordinate and manage your helpers.
We have multiple workshop options for groups and one-on-one classes for opportunities to learn about floral design so you find success.
We have all the tools, buckets, and supplies you may need and can include them in your DIY package.